
Anniversary celebrations at Gavin's Mill

Gavin's Mill Community Project in Milngavie recently marked its fifth anniversary and Provost Renwick was among the guests at the celebration event.

She joined Board members, volunteers and supporters as they reflected on how the project has grown and thrived and how it survived the challenges of the last two years to emerge stronger than ever.

Speaking at the event in the beautiful 17th century corn mill and listed building on the banks of the Allander Water, she said, 

Gavin's Mill is such a success story and a story of survival too.

If walls could talk

You have adapted and invested in this place to move with the times and respond to some unprecedented challenges.

"I often look at buildings like this and wonder what would they say if these walls could talk? I’m sure the people who have come and gone from this place would similarly recognise your focus on zero waste, sustainability and supporting the local economy as values and aims that they held and have your back in achieving all that you have here.

"What you do here, what you do to support the Fairtrade farmers and producers might be just a grain of rice – and by grain of rice I mean the kilogram bags of rice I know the Fairtrade groups would like you to keep buying! But it has global outreach and so on behalf of the people of East Dunbartonshire and your suppliers around the world, thank you to each and every one of you."

Find out more about Gavin's Mill

Representatives of Gavin's Mill Community Project with Provost Renwick
Representatives of Gavin's Mill Community Project with Provost Renwick