Technical Notes 2021, Issue 123 - Incident at Craigdhu Primary School
- The purpose of this technical note is to provide Elected Members with information relating to an incident at Craigdhu Primary School at lunchtime today.
- A carbon monoxide alarm in the school's plant room - separate from the main school building - was activated earlier today. No alarms within the school were activated and no carbon monoxide fumes were present in classrooms or in areas used by pupils.
- A site investigation concluded that fumes from a contractor's machinery being used outside, got into the plant room and activated its alarm.
- In line with emergency procedures, and as a precaution, the Head Teacher sounded the fire alarm to ensure a quick and safe evacuation. This resulted in Scottish Fire & Rescue Service (SFRS) attending.
- Officers from SFRS, the Council's Health & Safety Team and SGN carried out a full investigation with pupils and staff being allowed back into the school at 12.30pm when it was assessed as being safe.
- A full investigation will be carried out into the incident.