Technical Notes 2021, Issue 165 - Amendment to Minute of the Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee of 12 August 2021
1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with an updated version of the Minutes of the Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee meeting on 12 August 2021.
2. At the Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee meeting on 30 September 2021, the Committee approved an amendment to the minute of meeting of 12 August 2021. The amendment was as follows:
“With regard to Page 6, Item 8, St Helen’s Primary School, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Councillor Low advised that Paragraph 2 should read, “due to the road being adopted the residents were not able to close off the area to prevent access”.
3. The minute has been amended and now reads:
“With regard to Paragraph 3.6, Palmer Court, and in response to comments from Councillor Low who advised that, due to the road being adopted the residents were not able to close off the area to prevent access, the Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets undertook to investigate the matter.”
4. Unfortunately, the original version of the Minute was circulated with the Agenda for the Council meeting on 4 November. These Minutes are for noting, however the amended version is attached to this Technical Note for Members awareness and will also be launched to the website.