Technical Notes 2022, Issue 173 - Changes to Deferred Entry to Primary School
1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to inform Elected Members of changes in legislation relating to funded early learning and childcare (ELC) and Primary 1 deferral.
2. As outlined in the joint implementation plan agreed between the Scottish Government and CoSLA, from August 2023 all children who defer their entry to school for a year can automatically access an additional year of funded ELC.
3. This legislative change will align the funded ELC offer more closely with the existing right to defer for children in this age group. This will allow families to make decisions based on what they feel is in the best interests of their child, without the financial barrier of additional ELC costs.
4. In order for parents / carers to make informed and timely choices for their children regarding their right to defer following changes to legislation, the following information will be uploaded to the East Dunbartonshire Early Years section of the website:-
Deferred School Entry and eligibility from 1 August 2023
From 1 August 2023, if a parent of a child that is still 4 years old on the date they are eligible to start school (i.e. children with birth dates on or between the day after the school commencement date in August – last day in February) defers their entry to school for a year, they can automatically access an additional year of funded early learning and childcare.
5. Communication will also take place with all early years centres to highlight this change in legislation to parents through their usual communication channels.
6. The Central Early Years Team will work on updating the following documents to reflect the change to deferred entry:-
- The Admissions Policy;
- Deferred Entry Guidance;
- Deferred Entry Flowchart; and
- Deferred Entry Application Guidance.
7. Useful Websit
Scottish Government Early learning and childcare access in a deferred year:joint implementation plan
Scottish Government Early learning and childcare statutory guidance July 2021