Jamie Robertson – Executive Officer – Finance & Digital Services
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
The purpose of this Technical Note is to advise Members of the intention to resume recovery of accounts receivable invoices commencing 20 March 2025.
Recovery of arrears was temporarily paused at the start of the financial year to allow for a period where a new and updated accounts receivable module could be implemented within the new Fusion system. Following a sustained period of implementation and testing the new module is progressing recovery against accounts in arrears
Across all sources of income recovery action is being progressed against approximately 3,000 accounts totalling £2.9m. Invoices will be issued in batches over the next 4 to 6 weeks. Customers with several outstanding invoices will be issued with letters for each individual invoice. This will be highlighted in the letters, as below. The letters will have details including the invoice number, date originally issued, amount due and the description of the charge
The sequence of recovery will now be for a reminder to be issued automatically on the 31st day after the original invoice was sent. A final notice will be issued on the 11th day after the reminder and the invoice will be passed to the Corporate Debt team 14 days after that
The Council Debt Recovery Team is anticipating an elevated number of calls with resources being allocated to provide advice and support to those accounts in arrears and to ensure recovery.