As part of our wider digital transformation programme, we have now completed Phase 1 of NEC Integrated Housing Management System (IHMS).

Why did we replace the existing system?

IHMS has replaced the Saffron legacy system which is more than 20 years old and is no longer able to meet the Council’s legislative and statutory obligations.

The new system will comply with legislative changes, provide a more flexible and user-friendly solution for employees, allow the Service to achieve its long-term strategies, realise income growth potential, ensure value for money, provide Service efficiencies, and offer an enhanced service for customers and tenants.

Phase 1 of the new IHMS is due to go live on Friday 8 November 2024 and will include the following modules:

  • Rents
  • Estates
  • Allocations (inc. Homelessness)
  • Housing Advice
  • Support Services
  • Reports
  • Letters
  • System Administration.

Super Users

We have recruited a team of Super Users in each area of Housing. You can find your Super User below:

list of super users

Super Users

  • Aileen Farrell

  • Jackie Sullivan

  • Lynn Ross

  • Sarah Gemmell

Super Users

  • Barbara-Ann Harris

  • Diane Cochrane

Super Users

  • Rhona Slaven

  • Sharon Kirker

Super Users

  • Louise Conlon

  • Kerry Thomson

Support Model

A detailed support model comprising 4 levels in place and can be found in the documents section at the bottom of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Access to NEC Housing can be found in your EDC Apps folder: housing live.

Follow the steps in the system to set up your profile, ensuring to answer all questions.

This should be done for verification purposes and should be in the following format DD-MM-YYYY.

The Housing Service is split into multiple teams, each team has at least one Super User who is able to provide support, a list can be found in the Super User section above.

If you are a user out with the Housing Service, please email

The ‘Introduction to NEC’ user guide provides information on carrying out basic functions on the system. All user guides can be accessed in the documents section below.