The Care Inspectorate has given East Dunbartonshire’s Fostering Service a glowing report following a visit by a team of inspectors.
East Dunbartonshire Council’s Fostering service provides a fostering service for children and young people from birth to 18 years, who are assessed as in need of this type of support and who live or have connections in the East Dunbartonshire area.
The service is delivered through the Care Planning and Placement Team. The team has a range of responsibilities including adoption, continuing care and kinship care.
The inspection, which was conducted in October and November 2023, rated the East Dunbartonshire service as Very Good for Supporting People’s Wellbeing and Good for How well their care and support is planned.
Welcoming the report, Caroline Sinclair, Chief Officer, East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) said,
“The inspectors found significant strengths in aspects of the care we provide and how these supported positive outcomes for children and their families across all areas of their lives.
“They noted that our caregivers provided nurturing, trauma informed care supported by employees who are highly skilled, knowledgeable and responsible.
“The skills and commitment of our team, combined with enduring relationships and emotional care, is integral in enabling caregivers to provide therapeutic and individual care.
“Whilst there is always room for improvement, the strengths identified by the inspectors are highlighted as having significant positive impact on children's experiences.”
During the visit the inspectors talked to caregivers, children and young people using the system, external professionals and worked closely with the team leader and employees. The inspection team found the following strengths:
Children experienced high standards of care. They had developed meaningful relationships characterised by security, predictability and love.
Children were supported to maintain meaningful relationships with extended family members, significant birth family members and were involved in the wider community.
There was evidence of positive outcomes for children. This was supported by high quality assessments of caregivers and in the high-level support provided, following the placement of children.
The service has been creative and proactive in their efforts to progress delays for children who require permanent care.
Ms Sinclair continued, “We value the opportunity to learn from the inspection findings so we can continue to improve the way that we plan services.
“Foster care transforms lives. I see this every day; children and young people flourishing in our care and achieving in all areas of their lives. I also see the real satisfaction and pride that foster carers experience from helping these youngsters reach their full potential.”
East Dunbartonshire has a network of dedicated carers but several long-term carers are retiring and new carers are needed.
Children and young people need foster care when they are not able to remain at home with their birth families. Fostering includes providing care in emergencies, for a few weeks or months until children can return to their families, or for longer periods of time, including permanent care. Foster carers come from all kinds of backgrounds and experiences: single, living with a partner, in a same sex relationship or married.
Carers receive regular support from a supervising social worker and be involved in training and support groups. Foster carers receive a fee and allowance when caring for children.
To find out more, please:
Call our fostering team on 0141 777 3003
or email