The Housing Land Audit (HLA) supports the delivery of the Local Development Plan by monitoring the progress of new housing in the area. The HLA contains a list of all sites identified as having housing potential for four or more units within East Dunbartonshire.

Sites are listed by tenure and current planning status. The HLA is carried out on an annual basis and contains standard information used by authorities within the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan area.

The inclusion of sites in the audit does not necessarily mean that the site is available - you must contact the owner to check. If planning permission does not already exist for a particular site, inclusion in the register does not pre-empt any decision of the Council in relation to the principle of housing development.

The audit data is available in Excel form in the Documents section of this page.

View the The Housing Land Audit 2024 Story Map.

If you require any assistance with the Housing Land Audit please email or call 0300 123 4510 and ask for the Land Planning Policy Team.