Planning Guidance
Supplementary Guidance and Planning Guidance are intended to support implementation of the East Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan (LDP).
Guidance provides detailed information and practical advice that builds upon the policies within the plan. Guidance can set out what the requirements and implications of the LDP policies are for specific types of development. Guidance can also relate to a particular area such as a Town Centre or a masterplan area.
The relationship between the LDP, Supplementary Guidance and Planning Guidance is established in Scottish Government Circular 6/2013, and is explained in each guidance document in the introduction. The suite of Supplementary and Planning Guidance below has been updated to reflect the preparation of Local Development Plan 2. Further updates during the lifetime of the plan will be undertaken where required.
Supplementary Guidance and Planning Guidance
Below is a list of documents that can be downloaded.
Advertisement Control
Air Quality
Antonine Wall
Bearsden Town Centre Strategy
Bishopbriggs Town Centre Strategy
Brownfield Land
Design and Placemaking
Developer Contributions
Green Infrastructure and Green Network
Historic Environment
Kirkintilloch Business Gateway Masterplan
Kirkintilloch Town Centre Masterplan
Milngavie Town Centre Strategy
Natural Environment
Sustainable Transport
Sustainability and Energy Statement Form
Water Environment and Flood Risk
Westerhill Regeneration Area
Prior to the adoption of the Green Infrastructure and Green Network supplementary planning guidance, the Scottish Government issued a Direction requiring the Council to make changes to the document to reflect the ongoing reforms to the planning process and the publication of National Planning Framework 4.