The East Dunbartonshire Council

(Milngavie, Bearsden, Kirkintilloch, Milton of Campsie and Bishopbriggs) (Footway Parking Prohibition Exemption) Order 2024.

In accordance with Section 51 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 (“the Act”) and all other enabling powers the East Dunbartonshire Council propose to consider the introduction of an exemption to the prohibition of footway parking set out in Section 50 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 on lengths of footway on the following streets within the East Dunbartonshire Council area: Catter Gardens, Endrick Gardens, Ardlui Gardens, Finglen Gardens, and Dumgoyne Avenue (all within Milngavie); Lammermuir Gardens, Kinglas Road, and Maxwell Avenue (all within Bearsden); David Donnelly Place (Kirkintilloch); Glenburn Crescent (Milton of Campsie); and Myrtle Square, Springfield Square, and Springfield Crescent, (all within Bishopbriggs).

Full details of this proposal, which forms the proposed EAST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL (MILNGAVIE, BEARSDEN, KIRKINTILLOCH, MILTON OF CAMPSIE AND BISHOPBRIGGS) (FOOTWAY PARKING PROHIBITION EXEMPTION) ORDER 2024, together with plans showing the lengths of footway and a statement of reasons for proposing to make this Order, are available for inspection without payment of fee:

  • On this web page
  • During normal office hours Monday to Friday inclusive at the offices of: Roads & Neighbourhood Services, Broomhill Industrial Estate, Kilsyth Road, Kirkintilloch, G66 1TF.

Any person wishing to object to the proposal or make any representations on the proposal must send details of the grounds for objection in writing by email to or by post to Legal Services, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, G66 1TJ by no later than 3 January 2025.

Karen Donnelly
Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer
Legal Services
East Dunbartonshire Council Headquarters
12 Strathkelvin Place
G66 1TJ

Proposed Pavement Parking Exemption Order


East Dunbartonshire Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by Section 51 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and of all other enabling powers hereby make the following Order:-

  1. This Order may be cited as the “East Dunbartonshire (Milngavie, Bearsden, Kirkintilloch, Milton of Campsie & Bishopbriggs)(Footway Parking Prohibition Exemption) Order 2024’ and shall come into operation on [ ].
  2. In this Order:-

“Footway” is to be construed in accordance with Section 151(2) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984

“Plans” means the plans annexed and executed as relative to this Order

“Schedule” means the schedule annexed and executed as relative to this Order

“Traffic Signs” has the meaning given by Section 64(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;

  1. The prohibition against parking a motor vehicle on a pavement in terms of Section 50 of the Act shall not apply to the full width of the lengths of Footway listed in the Schedule hereto and shown outlined and shaded red on the Plans
  2. The exemption set out in Article 3 above shall apply at all times to all vehicles without being subject to conditions
  3. The Council shall secure the placement of Traffic Signs in connection with this exemption Order

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents consisting of this and the proceeding page together with the Schedule is executed as follows:

Subscribed for and on behalf of:

Karen M. Donnelly
Chief Solicitor and Monitoring Officer





Schedule showing the lengths of the roads and the side of road
Lengths of Road in Bearsden within East Dunbartonshire Side of Road to which Exemption Applies

Kinglas Road, Bearsden
(Map FPE-Bear-01)

1. Kinglas Road, Bearsden – From a point 15 metres or thereby from the extended north kerbline of Spey Road eastwards for a distance of 198 metres or thereby to the existing turning head facility.

2. Kinglas Road, Bearsden  From a point 20 metres or thereby from  the extended south kerbline of  Spey road eastwards for a distance of 186 metres or thereby to the existing turning head facility.

3. Kinglas Road, Bearsden – From the south footway of Kinglas Road northwards for a distance of 13 metres or thereby to the north footway of Kinglas Road.

1. North

2. South

3. East

Lammermuir Gardens, Bearsden 
(Map FPE-Bear-01)

All public footways over the entire length of Lammermuir Gardens.


Maxwell Avenue, Bearsden  
(Map FPE-Bear-01)

1. Maxwell Avenue, Bearsden – From a point 10 metres or thereby north of the extended north kerbline of Stirling Avenue northwards for a distance of 180 metres or thereby to a point 5 metres or thereby south of the extended south kerbline of Monreith Avenue.

2. Maxwell Avenue, Bearsden – From a point 10 metres or thereby north of the extended north kerbline of Stirling Avenue northwards for a distance of 175 metres or thereby to a point 5 metres or thereby south of the extended south kerbline of Monreith Avenue.

1. East

2. West



Lengths of roads and side of road affected in Bishopbriggs
Lengths of Road in Bishopbriggs within East Dunbartonshire Side of Road to which Exemption Applies

Myrtle Square, Bishopbriggs 
(Map: FPE-Bish-01)

All public footways over the entire length of Myrtle Square


Springfield Crescent, Bishopbriggs 
(Map: FPE-Bish-01)

1. Springfield Crescent, Bishopbriggs – From a point 5 metres or thereby from with the extended south kerbline of Springfield Square south-westwards for a distance of 85 metres or thereby to its termination

2. Springfield Crescent, Bishopbriggs – From a point 5 metres or thereby from with the extended south kerbline of  Springfield Square southwestwards for a distance of 90 metres or thereby to its termination.

1. Northwest

2. Southeast

Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs 
(Map: FPE-Bish-01)

1. Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs –  From a point 5 metres or thereby from with the extended north kerbline of Springfield Crescent westwards for a distance of 105 metres or thereby to its termination.

2. Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs - From a point 5 metres or thereby from with the extended south kerbline of Springfield Crescent westwards for a distance of 105 metre or thereby to its termination.

3. Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs - From the south footway of Springfield Square northwards for a distance of 10 metres or thereby to the north footway of Springfield Square.

1. North

2. South

3. West



Lengths of roads and side affected in Kirkintilloch
Length of Road in Kirkintilloch within East Dunbartonshire Side of Road to which Exemption Applies

David Donnelly Place, Kirkintilloch 
(Map: FPE-Kirk-01)

1. The footway on David Donnelly Place from the extended north kerbline of Catherine Street north-westwards for a distance of 225 metres or thereby.

2. The footway on David Donelly Place from the extended north kerbline of Catherine Street north-westwards for a distance of 65 metres or thereby.

1. East

2. West



Lengths of roads and side of road exemptions in Milngavie
Length of Road in Milngavie within East Dunbartonshire Side of Road to which Exemption Applies

Ardlui Gardens, Milngavie 
(Map: FPE-Miln-01)

All public footways over the entire length of Ardlui Gardens.


Catter Gardens, Milngavie 
(Map: FPE-Miln-01)

All public footways over the entire length of Catter Gardens.


Dumgoyne Avenue, Milngavie 
(Map: FPE-Miln-02)

All public footways from the junction with Craigton Gardens southwards to the junction with Craigdhu Road


Endrick Gardens, Milngavie 
(Map: FPE-Miln-01)

All public footways over the entire length of Endrick Gardens.


Finglen Gardens, Milngavie
(Map: FPE-Miln-01)

All public footways over the entire length of Finglen Gardens.


Milton of Campsie

Milton of Campsie

Lengths of roads and side exemptions in Milton of Campsie
Length of Road in Milton of Campsie within East Dunbartonshire Side of Road to which Exemption Applies

Glenburn Crescent, Milton of Campsie
(Map: FPE-MoC-01)

A section of footway on the north side of Glenburn Crescent which extends from a point 13 metres or thereby west of the extended west kerb line of Kirkton Crescent westwards for 19 metres or thereby.


Statement of reasons for proposing to make the above order

It is considered necessary to make the above Order to permit parking on the footways described in the Order to permit proper passage of an emergency vehicle that would otherwise be diminished or blocked by a vehicle that was parked completely on the carriageway.

It is considered that the carriageway associated with the footways listed in the Order are of sufficient restricted width or access that it would be rendered unpassable by emergency vehicles when one or more vehicles are parked on the carriageway but would be possible to access if vehicles were permitted to park on the footway.

Karen Donnelly
Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer
Legal Services
East Dunbartonshire Council Headquarters
12 Strathkelvin Place
G66 1TJ

Exempt streets plan

You can view maps of the exempt streets for each area in the documents section below.