Community asset transfer
Welcome to the community asset transfer page where you can apply to use, lease or buy Council land or buildings.
The following sections include a list of Council assets and forms for applying to secure these. We advise you to contact the Council before completing the full application form as we can provide relevant information on the asset. You can do this by emailing us at or by completing an Expression of Interest form.
You will be required to consider environmental and equality impacts from your Asset Transfer request.
If you require support with this please contact:
Sustainability Policy Team.
Equalities Team
Community asset transfer
Registered Community Transfer Bodies can now make applications to public authorities to acquire land and property which is not listed for sale. This is outlined in part five of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
In deciding requests the council would consider a range of factors:
- The reasons for the request
- Supporting information.
Whether agreeing the request would be likely to help or improve:
- Economic development
- Regeneration
Public health - Social wellbeing
- Environmental wellbeing.
Whether agreeing the request would be likely to:
- Reduce inequalities
- Any other benefits
- The benefits of any alternative proposal
- Other matters that the Council considers appropriate.
Community transfer bodies
To make an asset transfer request, an organisation needs to be a CTB (community transfer body). This is defined in section 77 of the Act. It can be either a community controlled body or a body designated by the Scottish Ministers. To qualify as a community controlled body, the body‘s constitution, Articles of Association or registered rules must include the following:
A definition of the community to which the body relates. The group may represent the community in a particular area or people who have a common interest or characteristic. The definition should be clear enough to show whether a person is a member of the community or not.
provision that membership of the body is open to any member of that community
You can find out more by reading the Scottish Government Guidance on Asset Transfer for Community Transfer Bodies.
An asset transfer means a lot of commitment and may be expensive / incur costs of various professionals. Those interested will need to demonstrate organisational capacity in order to maintain and develop any assets long-term alongside independent access to funds to acquire and manage any assets. There are a range of bodies that can support you with asset transfer – these are outlined in our policy and guidance documents.
Asset register
The Council list of assets, it is advised that you get in touch with us before you make an application as we will have information about the asset that will be of benefit to your proposal. It is also advised that you:
- Consult with the community that they support your application
- Research similar projects that could either support or compete with your initiative
- Identify potential partners, and stakeholders including funding opportunities
- Involve current and prospective funders early in the process. Engage with them to gain their views, as well as keeping them informed
- Keep your community informed about your proposal and its progression.
The first stage is to submit and expression of interest form and you can do this through the online form below or you can download and send to us.
A full Community Asset Transfer (CAT) application form (and potentially business plan) is still required further to submitting this expression of interest form – it is the full CAT application form that is a valid request meaning we have to respond to you with our decision within six months.
Expression of interest form
Please fill in this form to express your interest.
Download the Stage 2 - Optional Business Plan Form
Forms can be submitted online or can be downloaded and emailed to
Alternatively you can phone us on 0300 123 4510 to request an Expression of Interest or Asset Transfer Request Form for return to us at the following address:
Asset Transfer Team
Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets
East Dunbartonshire Council
Southbank House
Southbank Business Park
G66 1XQ
Annual reports
Current request
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - CAT Application
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - Constitution SCIO
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - Six Sets of Minutes from Meetings
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - Annual Report Financial Statement for 2022 & 2023 (Redacted)
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - CAT Equality Impact Assessment
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - CAT Environmental Screening
Milngavie & Bearsden Men’s Shed - Validation Letter
Redacted Representations
We have received 28 emails of support for the Community Asset Transfer request made by Milngavie & Bearsden Men's Shed.
The emails of support can be viewed on the Milngavie & Bearsden Men's Shed Redacted Representations web page.
Asset transfer requests annual returns 2023/2024
Section 95 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 requires relevant authorities to produce an annual report on Asset Transfer Request activity and publish this no later than 30 June each year.
Following stakeholder feedback and in response to asset transfer evaluations, this template has been created to help gather asset transfer data for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Information provided will help inform policy and practice at local and national level as the data will be collated and shared by the Scottish Government’s Community Empowerment Team. However, it will be for each relevant authority to make their own annual report publicly available by 30 June 2024.
Section One – Relevant Authority Information
Organisation: East Dunbartonshire Council
Address: Southbank House, Strathkelvin Place, Kikintilloch, G66 1XQ
Completed by: Pam Campbell
Role: Manager, Community Planning & Partnership
Telephone: 07919093040
Date of completion: 31/05/2024
Are you the Asset Transfer Lead Contact for the organisation: Lead is co-shared with colleague Graeme Lynn, Estates Manage
Section Two - Asset Transfer Data in 2023/24
Total Applications Received: 0
Number of successful applications determined: 0
Number of unsuccessful applications determined: 0
Number received and yet to be determined: 0
Number received prior to 2023/24 and yet to be determined: 0
Please provide details of Asset Transfer Requests received which resulted in transfer of ownership, lease, or rights from your relevant authority to a community transfer body in 2023/24: N/A
Please provide details of Asset Transfer Requests that went to a relevant authority appeal or review which were concluded in 2023/24: N/A
Section Three – Promotion and Equality
3.1 Please provide information on any action you have taken to promote the benefits of asset transfer or any support provided for communities to engage with the Asset Transfer Request process.
We have accessible information on our website; we liaise with our local third sector interface and Community Ownership Support Scotland to raise awareness of our asset register and CAT policy and process.
Whilst we have not received any formal applications, we did receive an Expression of Interest in leasing Colquhoun Park Pavilion from The High School of Glasgow.
3.2 In particular what action has been taken to support disadvantaged communities to engage with the asset transfer process?
We have dedicated and targeted community development workers working alongside our most deprived communities geographical and of interest/elective. Within the support provided guidance, resources, capacity building and connect with other community transfer bodies to share insights and practice.
Section Four – Additional Information
We are embarking on a review of our CAT policy and processes. We have established a short life reference group with representatives from our local TSI, EDVA, and COSS.
A comprehensive communications and engagement plan will be undertaken to engage with known, and potential community transfer bodies. We will also actively and meaningfully engage with organisations who have previously submitted expression of interest, and/or successfully transferred ownership and/or entered leases and/or licenses to occupy our assets. This will give us insights into CTB lived-experience and insights into our current policy and processes; support offered including our capacity building programme, and procedures. CTB will inform the methodology we will use to undertake the consultation. We have embedded evaluation within our consultation planning and undertook a benchmarking exercise learning from other public authorities.